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McInally Associates were instructed by Capper Farming Enterprises to lead the preparation of a planning permission in principle application on lands at Heatheryknowe, Easterhouse.  The site is designated as a greenfield housing release site as part of the Easterhouse / Gartloch Community Growth Area within the adopted Glasgow City Development Plan.

The masterplan proposes a design led solution that responds to the physical, spatial context and environmental characteristics of the site. In addition to incorporating land for housing, the proposed development will incorporate extensive areas of usable open space and connectivity with a core path linking to the Seven Lochs Wetland Park and other areas of public amenity space thereby improving opportunities for outdoor recreational activity. Park and ride facilities are proposed alongside footpath and cycle links to encourage and promote active travel.

Based on the detailed site analysis four distinct pockets of land which are suitable for development within the Heatheryknowe site have been identified. Based on this, the concept is to create four ‘villages’ within the masterplan area. It is proposed that each will have their own their own distinct identity, sense of place and take their proposed names from the farms which currently occupy the site.


The development proposals comprise of the following elements:


  • Residential development (approximately1200 units to also include some 90 retirement apartments) Sheltered accommodation (approximately 120 bed nursing home)


  • Neighbourhood centre (to include approximately 1,300sqm of local retail / commercial units (split into a variety of sizes) and also other community support facilities)


  • Access roads, footpaths, cycle paths, surface water management and drainage, structural landscaping and associated works


This major regeneration project will transform the Greater Easterhouse / Gartloch area through the delivery of a sustainable mixed-use development transforming the site into a destination to the benefit of the economy, environment, people and importantly, the local community.


The residential development of the site has been identified by Glasgow City Council as an important opportunity for new development that will help to strengthen and rejuvenate the local communities in Greater Easterhouse.


The application was submitted in July 2021following extensive engagement with the local community, councillors to gain an understanding of their ideas and aspirations for the development site and is currently progressing through the planning system.

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